tune up tuatara
The tune was already posted here. look in the forum about cars level 4-8, tuatara topic. it already contains the fastest 1/2 mile and 1/4 mile tune.. Drag racing tune up complete career level 1-10 level 1-3 gunakan mobil clio v6 sport , 1 mobil kuat sampe boss level 3. yang tune ssc tuatara mana gan???. Minta setingan tune up buat level 6 ke atas donk buat main di pro league..? gan,minta tune up tuatara best time dong!! add me = lookmystyle 19 april 2016 21.13.

Tune mobil lainnya (1/4) 1/4 miles ssc tuatara (7.462s) upgrades: 5-5-5-4-5-5. fd: 1.000. gigi 1: 3.678. gigi 2: 3.079. gigi 3: 2.579. gigi 4: 2.233. gigi 5: 1.783.. Drag racing ssc tuatara tune level 10 1/4 mile drag racing level 10- tune set up ssc tuatara 1/4 , 1/2 - duration: 1:55. robert regalado 568 views.. Cara tune up tuatara di drag racing yang dipublikasikan pada 12 august 2016 pukul 19:11 wib dan merupakan bagian dari informasi mengenai cara tune up tuatara di drag.
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